Monday 17 November 2014

Our London Garden Centre of Choice

While Hugh had an urgent appointment to have his hair coiffed by Daz (hairstylist to the stars and the M & S Christmas Ad, to name but few) ……..
IMG_0013 (2)…… he suggested that Darrell and Nigel might like to take themselves off for another visit to his London Jardin Centre de choice in Battersea……
…… because after all the hustle and bustle and excitement of our London visit, admittedly all our heads were jangling just a touch …..
……. and at zee Battersea Flower Station, Hugh said they would find zee oasis of peace and zee inspiration, to bring calm to their souls ……
…… and of course, he was right …….
……. it was like stepping into a green and wonderful magical world …..
….. of never knowing what’s round the corner
…… where Darrell and Nigel said that spookily, as Hugh had predicted,  they felt themselves go all light, fluffy and relaxed.
…… and they were also inspired …… Nigel now wants to put a mysterious Narnia type door at the bottom of the garden ……
…….. and provide lots of safe homes for all the bees, insects and creepy crawlies when we get back to Castle Greysquirrel.
So, while Hugh may have enjoyed zee champagne, zee canapés and zee showbiz gossip with Daz, whilst having a blow dry, for once Darrell and Hugh were not in the least bit jealous, as they thought they undoubtedly had the better deal.


Mr.D said...

It looks like the Battersea Flower Station could win the Chelsea Flower Show.

Anonymous said...

Gardens are the very best place to find beauty and calm oasis sounds like a necessity after all the London excitement and seeing Hugh's marvelous dazzling celebrity life .... you never know who or what is at the bottom of the garden! ...... Love you,Dianne