Wednesday 4 June 2014

Hugh - De Rigueur, De Rigueur

To say that Hugh is at the leading edge of all that is de rigueur in the fashion world is an understatement ….. and naturally, there is nothing about his appearance that fails to go past Darrell when he visits…..
…… because what is haute de couture in London now, will undoubtedly be haute de couture in Wolverhampton within the next year or so ……
….. and Darrell is determined to be ahead of whatever the next trend will be!

So……according to Hugh polo shirts are soooooooooo totally non de rigueur this season, and stripes and shoulder fastenings are tres in, but worn open for “zee must have glimpse of zee shoulder” ….. and as such Hugh had found a little something from a magazine “shoot” that he thought Darrell would appreciate, which indeed he did ….. very much!
But there was more …… Hugh informed him that purple was now the new black…… as were swags and overly bejewelled tags ……
…… and continued to drape and swathe Darrell in a very precious little something that had been “modelled” by someone who was “….beyond legendary in a Sunday supplement feature darrrrrrrrrrrrrrrling” …… Darrell was almost apoplectic with delight, to be fashioned by Hugh was just tooooooo much, tears were shed!
However, there was also a little something about Hugh that he had also noticed that Darrell greatly admired ….. but as he preferred to be a stranger to a needle, it might be a step too far for Darrell …….. perhaps!!


Mr.D said...

Darrell learns so much from Hugh. Darrell then translates it into what will work in Wolverhampton.
Have they done much London Lounging yet?

Anonymous said...

Hugh always looks magazine picture worthy and obviously is a leading light in the fashion world......Darrell must be in seventh heaven with Hugh's kindness and generous sharing of all that is the latest in doesn't get any better than good times with dear friends and kindred spirits .....Happy London days!...Dianne