Tuesday 10 August 2010

Monkey’s Inadvertent Turkish Adventure Part 6 – Testing out the Local Bus Service

Yesterday we went on a Dolmus bus to the next big town, I was really excited as I could compare and contrast my experience to my beloved Banga bus.
The bus was very modern, with comfortable seats, seat belts and air conditioning and it only cost about 75p for an hours journey, but ……
….. it did get VERY crowded, and the driver would insist he could get everyone on. I also didn’t like it when he sometimes drove with the door open ….. I was frightened someone would fall out.
When I looked out of the window some Turkish people smiled and waved at me, so I waved back.
The experience did make me pine a little, thinking about George and his bus. In Turkey the seats next to the driver are for passengers too and if George drove a Dolmus bus I would always try to sit in the front next to him.  Perhaps I should write to Mr Banga suggesting he goes on a fact finding mission to Turkey to see if he should buy a new bus.

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

"Compare and contrast." Sounds like the start of an exam question. When people get on the small local buses here,(old VW Camper vans,) they say "good morning" etc.