Monday 9 August 2010

Monkey’s Inadvertent Turkish Adventure Part 5 – The Best Experience of My Life!

I’ve seen a real life turtle …… what a day I’ve had!  We were standing on a low bridge watching some men fishing when right under me swam a huge and very beautiful turtle, just like that!  I was dumbstruck!
Picture 693
He swam around for ages, but I was shaking so much I found it hard to work my camera.
Picture 692
It was an experience that will stay with me for always and I have to admit that it even beats meeting Ross Noble last year!
Then, as we walked along the quay side, we saw two pelicans and suddenly Darrell's favourite film, Finding Nemo, came flooding back to me ….. the turtle Crush and Nigel the pelican (Darrell’s favourite character)  help Nemo’s dad to find him.  Again, I so wished Darrell was with me to share my experiences, but I will tell him in minute detail about this wondrous day, and then we can watch Finding Nemo together.

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

Turtle or Ross Noble - a tough choice.